Fee Structure

Sr.No. Title Fee
1 Registration Fees Rs. 100/-
2 Admission Fees Rs. 25/
3 Tution Fees Rs. 200/- Per Month (for male students of class lX to X only)
4 Tution Fees Rs. 300/- Per Month (for male students of class XI to XII ( Comm & Humanites))
5 Tution Fees Rs.400/- Per Month (for male students of class XI to XII (science students))
6 Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi Fund Rs. 500/- per month(I-X and for XI-XII comm & Humanites)
7 Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi Fund Rs. 500/- per month(XI- XII Sci)
8 Computer Fees Rs. 100/- per month(for I to xii class)
9 Computer Fees Rs 150 /- per month (for Computer Science Students class xi and xii science)